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[Youtubeレビュー][Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか] [많이 먹기]바나나 137개 약 6kg, 6가지 맛으로 먹는다![키노시타 유우카]
twoyou 2021. 3. 15. 12:05
再生時間コメント : [Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか] [많이 먹기]바나나 137개 약 6kg, 6가지 맛으로 먹는다![키노시타 유우카]
6:24 バナナの皮の重さを引いて約6キロなの?測って見せてほしかったな
人気順コメント : [Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか] [많이 먹기]바나나 137개 약 6kg, 6가지 맛으로 먹는다![키노시타 유우카]
I don't even eat so many bananas in one year!!!
I am also Chinese, I do not think 137 means anything, but the Chinese mainland people feel that the Chinese population. The twentieth anniversary T-shirt from the well-known American artist was a group of young people lying on the beach, not the Nanjing massacre.
fried bananas also delicious:)))
I'm Chinese and I'm so embarrassed and stupefied by the comments here. So much second hand embarrassment from Chinese people's behavior as of late that I wanna hide behind a rock reading some of the comments. Please get over yourselves, the world does not revolve around mainland China, or banana's...of any kind. -____-
trying very hard to be mature
thanks for supporting philippine bananas.. you can try banana cake and banana shake! haha im now craving because of this video!
I'm a Chinese and I really want to apologize for my people. I feel terribly sorry about the rumor and the "banana issue", it's just embarrassing and angry to see some of the Chinese's stupid comments. But I want to clarify that the rumor has been cleaned on Chinese social net work, and even on Weibo ( Chinese Twitter), there are much more supporters than haters of Yuka.
I heard the news and WTH?! what wrong with 137 bananas ? Ridiculous! I don't think yuka need to apologize to them, she didn't do anything wrong !
137이 중국인이라는 논리라면, 이 세상에서 그 누구도 음식 137개를 먹어서는 안된다는 뜻인가?
그게 반중이라면 난 일부러라도 137개를 먹어 주고 싶어졌다
Freelee the banana girl can never compete with that lol
just wonder why Chinese people are so butt hurt even with little and normal things, they can think of something serious. Maybe because there are some problems with their ego or their brain...or maybe both :))
Are Chinese people realising how stupid their complains about this video are?
Does they really think that the earth rotates with them?
I can't understand why Chinese people keep complaining about how many bananas are there
Ammmmm , I like bananas , but I can not eat more than 5 , you are really wonderful
I'm from Iraq and love your channel so much
為什麼要和不明生物吵浪費我們臺灣人的口福不值 By在大陸的臺商小孩
[Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
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