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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 판지 부엌 칼
今回はYouTubeの人気動画について レビューしてみます。
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 판지 부엌 칼
再生時間コメント : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 판지 부엌 칼
9:20 これはいいペーパーナイフ
2:06 I love eating fried carbord. I like the CRISHPY and CRUNCH of carbord it's good.
Food at the house: 1:58
Me chopping up vegetables in cooking mama: 10:42
人気順コメント : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 판지 부엌 칼
4018: Ancient japanese hard drive found describing the process of folding cardboard to make the sharpest cardboard knives
Opens box
Throws knife in the trash and keep box
Proceed to make the box into a sharper knife than the one you bought
God speed magic man.
"i'm sorry?"
"card.... board...."
Its 2011 and you wake up on a Sunday morning. You dont wanna leave the bed but the hunger makes you. After lying there for a few minutes, you exit the comfort of your blanket and sheets and go to open your bedroom door. As you go to place your hand upon the handle, you hear it: your mom's gentle humming. You feel the familiarity that the distant sizzle gives you. You open the door and walk out to greet your mother and the smell hits you harder than your dad when you accidentally cussed when you were like 6. You can already visualize the plate sitting in front of you. You enter the kitchen and you see it: your mom boiling her world famous cardboard.
Good memories
Amazing that an entire youtube channel exists on making knives out of random materials
The new nintendo labo
ER triage: "Sir, you're going to have to wait until everyone who has more than a paper cut is taken care of"
El cuchillo de cartón más afilado del mundo: existe*
36 millones de personas: interesante
*there's a serial killer running after you*
*the serial killer lost you because you were too fast*
*you find a cardboard box!What are you gonna do with it?*
Normal people: hide in it
Cultured people:
Was there just a completely unrelated tutorial on improving soap bottles in the middle of that
ナイフを購入すれば、もっと便利になります.. !!
A japanese video which has full of English comments
The quiet kid in art class:
i mean like, why does he know how to harden the cardboard for this purpose
If you see this plz reply cuz i really wanna smash
It's weird I've been watching like all his videos bc I am now an invested fan and I feel so invested that if one day on the news they were like, "man found dead, the murder weapon on scene, and it appears to be a cardboard/milk/chocolate knife" YOU BEST BELIEVE I WOULDN'T SAY SHIT, I'd be like hmm never heard of such a thing deletes history because I'm that invested lmaooo
Imagine being the first guy stabbed to death with an Amazon carton.
Ищешь русский комментарий?
The fact that he knowes how he is going to start on this is just mined baffeling.
Me: I told you someone just stabbed me with cardboard knife!
Police: You're delirious ma'am.
Me: show this shit to the police
[kiwami japan] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
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