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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] 초콜릿 치즈 케이크 No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake|HidaMari Cooking


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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] 초콜릿 치즈 케이크 No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake|HidaMari Cooking




再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 초콜릿 치즈 케이크 No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake|HidaMari Cooking

The choco frosting may not reconcile with the minimalistic background, but it's still art. That's what it is •̀.̫•́✧

2:17 those are seriously the nut-nut sounds from Peach's sleepover, most of you probably know what I'm talkin about ;)))

its actually satisfying me seeing MidaMari Murder the chocolates >w<





人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 초콜릿 치즈 케이크 No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake|HidaMari Cooking


No music, just the sound of Baking, I'm in love with this video




作ったよレポートは、 #hidamaricooking をつけて


▷Cooking ASMR:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE_Ic1c4e1UQo9Oq35NYC1C-n6jVUdzAa



i saw one of their videos on my recommended and now i can't stop watching

Why this recommendation comes when I am hungry


The finesse of her hands and the spotless neatness of dishes and counter is unbileivable. This show is therapeutic.


This is to you, HidaMari.

I love your videos so much!
They calm me when I'm angry, sad, or just being intense.

From a really satisfied stranger named Midori.

I keep my eyes on the screen instead of list the ingredients while she's doing all things


This is so satisfying. I’m so glad youtube recommended me this XD

Not to mention the great music!


If I'm doing this.... The kitchen gonna be a MESS

What the hell this put me to sleep it was so calming


Why i watched this in the midnight now i feel 100 times hungrier than before.

I could watch you for hours, there's something very relaxing with no speaking just the sound of you putting the recipe together

Si te invitan a un show de cocina seguro que ganas ya que tus recetas son increíbles


Loved your video, it’s clean, easy to follow and I find it serene and relaxing

It is kind of satisfying to watch. I really want to make it but the ingredients are a little bit hard to find in my area ;(


This cheesecake is my favorite cake in the whole world, my mom used to make it when I was young. But to make it today it costs like 30-40$ in ingredients. So save it for special occasions! This is so rich a 1/2" slice is all anyone will be able to eat.

Why do I keep watching these instead of getting my 8 hours of sleep


Who is not gonna try it?
Watching just for satisfaction?


All the food you make looks so delicious. You should make a cookbook or something to put all these recipes in. I would definitely buy one, it could be like merch.

Adding gelatine gives it a completely different texture than real New York style cheesecake . It's more like a very firm mousse.


I’m moving in with this person.


I pity myself i dont have a sweet tooth and I suck at making those things tch...and what's more "-" those look amazing to eat


Wow, I think this is so cool, I bet it is delicious!

I feel like a dog watching these.
Keep tilting my head left and right, licking my lips, ears perked.
I soooo waaaaant this.


This Video Is So Relaxing!




The way that the mixtures are always perfectly scooped with no remnants or stains on the glass is very mesmerizing..


I know what's unique about your videos. There's no distracting senseless music!!

The one and only ASMR vids I am able to tolerate and actually love it!


No music and any disturbing things also not there only your tasty and yummy cocolate cake is there I love chocolate cakes

Ok YT, I don't cook and I got this on my recommend.IDK why but I like this

no music. just the sound of baking. well done

I made this yesterday for my boyfriend’s birthday. It was delicious and he was happy. Thank you HidaMari.

Okay, so I'm going to maybe attempt to make this thing. I wrote down all the steps while watching the video. This thing isn't as easy as Miss HidaMari makes it look! I thought I'd share the recipe/steps with anyone else who'd like to try it.

HidaMari No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe -

▷Ingredients(7×16cm pound mold or 15cm round mold):

Food Scale, 4.7 Inch Mold, Parchment Paper, Tsp & Tbs Measure, mL Measure, One Sharp Knife, One spreader or butter knife, Nine Bowls (one filled with hot water, one very tiny, one large safe to put on stove-top), One Spatula, Automatic Hand Mixer, Wrap (Saran or wax if you have it), small flour sifter, cooling rack, tub to catch chocolate drips, knives to move cheesecake over, serving dish.

-chocolate cheesecake

120g chocolate
50ml heavy cream
200g cream cheese
15g sugar
30ml milk
5g gelatin
1/2 tbs lemon juice
105ml heavy cream
15g sugar
A few pistachios

-Glaçage au chocolat

30g chocolate
1 tsp water
1g gelatin
10g cocoa
25g sugar
45ml heavy cream

How To:

Cut the 120 g chocolate up with knife.
Pour 120g chocolate into bowl.
Pour 50mL heavy cream into microwave safe bowl.
Heat heavy cream until it's 140 degrees.
Pour heavy cream into the bowl with the chocolate, and stir with spatula.
Put whole stick (200g) of Cream cheese into another, larger bowl.
Pour in 15g sugar. Mix with spatula until texture is smooth and creamy.
In another bowl, mix 30 mL milk and 5g gelatin.
Set over another slightly larger bowl of hot water and stir until thin/milky.
Pour into the bowl with cream cheese & sugar. Mix with spatula until creamy.
Add the 1.5 tbs of lemon juice. Stir.
In another, large bowl, add 105 mL heavy cream and 15g sugar.
Mix with automatic hand mixer until whipped-looking.
Add this on top of the cream cheese & sugar mix.
Stir with spatula, folding over itself to keep light and airy.
In the 7 X 16 cm mold, add parchment paper.
Put in 150g grams of the cream cheese/sugar/heavy cream mix.
Spread with spatula and tap down to get mix as even as possible.
Cool it in a freezer for 10 minutes.
Add 85g of your chocolate mix to the cream cheese/sugar/heavy cream mix.
Stir until wellmixed and "pudding-like" with the spatula.
Pour 170g of this on top of the frozen mixture in mold.
Spread with spatula and tap down to get mix as even as possible.
Cool it in a freezer for 10 minutes.
Mix the remainder of your chocolate mix with the cream cheese/sugar/heavy cream mix.
Stir until wellmixed and "pudding-like" with the spatula.
This will be the most chocolatey layer!
Pour the rest of this on top of the frozen mixture in mold.
Spread with spatula and tap down to get mix as even as possible.
Cover with wrap and cool it in refrigerator (unspecified time).
Break up more chocolate (30g) into a bowl by hand.
In tiny bowl, mix 1 tsp water and 1g gelatin.
Mix with spatula.
In another, large bowl safe to put onto a stove, mix 10g cocoa powder and 25g sugar.
Mix with spatula. It will appear almost crumb-like.
Add in 45mL of heavy cream. Mix with spatula until you get a dark, grainy pudding-like texture.
Place on stove top and heat while stirring.
Boil until sugar dissolves. It will look quite dark and bubbly, at about 140 degrees.
Remove from stove top, add in gelatin mixture from tiny bowl.
Stir with spatula. It will look like a thin chocolate syrup.
Put a small flour sifter over your bowl of hand-broken chocolate.
Pour the chocolate syrup mix through sifter into the bowl.
Mix with spatula.
Take refrigerated cheesecake mold out of fridge, and remove from wrap and mold.
Peel off the parchment paper, and place upside down on a cooling rack, over tub to catch chocolate drips.
Pour chocolate mix on top of your cheesecake (the white strip should be on top).
Smooth over whole cheesecake with a spreader or butter knife.
Carefully move over onto the dish you wish to serve it on using two knives underneath (or whatever method your prefer).
Place thin strip of parchment paper going down middle of cheesecake.
Carefully shake cocoa powder through sifter over the top of cheesecake.
Remove parhcment paper, then add crumbles of pistachio down clean strip, for a final look.

Cheesecake is ready!



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