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[Youtubeレビュー][Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 오래된 지하 통로에 숨어있는 생물의 디오라마
twoyou 2021. 3. 31. 07:31(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 오래된 지하 통로에 숨어있는 생물의 디오라마
今回はYouTubeの人気動画について レビューしてみます。
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 오래된 지하 통로에 숨어있는 생물의 디오라마
再生時間コメント : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 오래된 지하 통로에 숨어있는 생물의 디오라마
とてもじゃないけど渡れない 』
Настолько реалестично что как будто это фотография
人気順コメント : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 오래된 지하 통로에 숨어있는 생물의 디오라마
I love how you use diagonals to give the effect of it being further away. Absolutely genius!
Youtube recommended is starting to get way too specific and accurate, it knows exactly who I am and what I want to see.... :/
descending into the dark... facing the dark shadows that awakens the hidden terror within....somehow we where here before....
What if he shone his light on the fish model and suddenly it swims away
When my friends ask me to visit abandoned places with them and I decline, this is what I picture. Creepy escape area, monster, and an exit sign mocking me. I applaud this excellent work.
The thumbnail is how I imagine kids going downstairs to get midnight snacks think
"Aaah, and here we have a good example of the Nope-Fish! Most commonly found in the freezing cold waters off the coast of Nopeland, it sometimes enters flooded basements or similar, for a secure place to lay it's eggs. I have been Sir David Attenburough, signing off, cause fuck this shit, I am outa here! Nopenopenopenope!"
Scared me I thought you went to a abandoned asylum or something and took that picture
One of my favorite pieces you've done. The creepiness of it is great
This guy is extremely underrated for a person so dedicated
me: can even wait long enough for my bagel bites to cook
that was thalassoest thing I've ever seen.
That's creepy as hell.
Me: can we get a shark
Mom: we al ready have shark at home
Shark at home:
Also me: is that real?
Me after watching the video : thats amazing! :3
Me, with my tiny lump of clay that looks vaguely like a snake: “bruh”
Me: Awww it's kinda cu-
Fish: Adds texture and paint
Me: OoooOoOOoOOOh.....N-nah I think I'm good, fam.
Q. What is that clay? Does it cure in the microwave? A. The type of clay is polymer clay. It cures with the heat of the oven, not the microwave. It's sold to Amazon.
Q. What is the material of that white board? A. That is the Foam core board. Used to make architectural models.
Q. What kind of resin are you using? A. It's a polyester resin. But this is not recommended because it is difficult to handle and has a strong odor. Epoxy resin is recommended for use. I use polyester because I have no money.
Q. Music is noisy! distracted. A. sorry I can't speak English so I use it without help. From next time, I'll change to quieter music.
Q. You are bad. No technique. A. I am aware of it. It's almost the first time to make a diorama. Please give me a break.
Thank you so much for giving me your valuable time. Thalasso hobbyer
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