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[Youtubeレビュー][Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make The Frozen Leviathan【 Subnautica/Below Zero/Diorama/Resin art/Sculpture 】
twoyou 2021. 7. 26. 07:12(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make The Frozen Leviathan【 Subnautica/Below Zero/Diorama/Resin art/Sculpture 】
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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make The Frozen Leviathan【 Subnautica/Below Zero/Diorama/Resin art/Sculpture 】
再生時間コメント : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make The Frozen Leviathan【 Subnautica/Below Zero/Diorama/Resin art/Sculpture 】
14:05 is thebest part for me.
Also me: checks how much time is left and sees I’m only 6:13 into the video oh-
At 13:57 I was like "Why is the name of the game is so dark it's barely visible?"
And then on 14:08 I was just blown away with how awesome it looks with LED on
It's beautiful!
I am losing my MIND over that shot at 14:24 omg
人気順コメント : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make The Frozen Leviathan【 Subnautica/Below Zero/Diorama/Resin art/Sculpture 】
I cannot imagine the anxiety of dumping the resin onto the sculpt and hoping all goes well... Fantastic diorama. You pushed it so so far.
This guy needs more attention honesty like where is the millions of subs
Im sitting watchinh this, thinking "i might be able to do that someday" then remembering i have 2 school projects of just a simple house that i havent done
Ive always been amazed by your line
And you realy kept that promise
"Dont rush a miracle, son, or else you'll get rotten miracles."
Just when you think he is done the monster: adds more texture
He’s a man of focus, commitment,
And sheer freakin will
In my opinion, this is the best diorama you made of all of them. I love the different views it has available, and the amount of details you put on it. I also noticed how you improved sculpting and manipulating the resin, i'm not a master but i'm able to sense it!
PD: Also this kind of videos help me to relax and fall asleep faster, so i considered convinient to tell you that you are helping a super stressed student here xD
Thanks for all your job!!! <3
Me: No
Subnautica: Would you like to?
And why are there dislikes, this is such a good work of art
(adds teeth)
Me: oh okay then
I can't even count how many times I THOUGHT you were done but you just kept going and adding more and more detail. This is amazing man thank you so much for making it
I understand why this took 40 days-
That’s an INSANE amount of detail-
And it’s massive!
Suppose we should count ourselves lucky that this behemoth of a Leviathan isn't alive in the world of Subnautica anymore.
...And don't worry, that distant roar you heard out in the tundra was probably your imagination.
Absolutely outstanding work. Apparently your skills have gotten so good that the development team for Subnautica even asked you to do this for them. This is monumental, congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next.
Jesus christ dude... The amount of effort and talent literally on display here is phenomenal! You did an amazing job on this, and you deserve a lot more praise for it than these comments will ever give you. This is something I can really only describe as "literally the most perfect thing I have ever seen".
Yes, I don't think I'd want to be down there with that thing too :p
Superb work as always <3
How cool is it that the devs at unknown worlds reached out to this man because of his amazing artwork to make official dioramas of their game
Thank you so much for spending your precious time on my videos. Be mindful of your health. Thank you!
you see the "finished" work and you're thinking 'wow that's amazing' and this guy's just like
but wait...there's more
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