티스토리 뷰
再生時間コメント : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 얼음 부엌 칼
3:06 ”You mean would I test the durability of a baby by slamming it into another baby?”
Just felt like this would fit here.
6:07 & 6:24 & 6:43 man i will die
But you know you killed the problem in the end
By your work in the freezer.
6:30 所以我们可以吹巧克力
3:30 He's having too much fun hitting stuff with that ice
人気順コメント : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 얼음 부엌 칼
"Well it seems like this man was murder in COLD blood"
Edit: when are we gonna get the world's sharpest knife made out of air
This takes getting impaled with an icicle to a whole new level.
Element: Ice
Type: Melee
Damage: 45 dps
Effects: 1% chance to freeze opponent upon use
+30% damage against cucumbers
When used for a betrayal, 100% chance to freeze opponent (flavio szutner's idea)
Notes: Can only be used while Warm Glove is equipped
Obtain by: Trading with kiwami (transaction: Cow jug L x1, Cow jug M x1, Cow jug S x2, Cow jug XS x5, Chocolate x3 = Ice Knife x1)
Anything: exists
Kiwami Japan: imma make that into a knife.
I love how on this channel Japanese language and English language can be one
Anybody else getting goose bumps just thinking about making an ice knife, and how cold it would be?
But he f*cking did it!!!
When he started working in the freezer I could almost hear him thinking: 'This bs waiting stops right now!'
Next Conan's Hint!
When you kill somebody and they're just like wow that's cold dude
Now it's time to turn Air, into knife
The perfect murder weapon - melts after use. Keep up the good work! Your videos are super satisfying to watch.
It’s really knife to meet someone as cool as you
With that knife people can murder cold blooded
accidently cut my fingerz
Mom:" quick put ice on it!!"
cuts even deeper
ไปซื้อมีดจริงๆดีกว่า 55
Thank you for Banning Water in the UK
This man is adorable and must be protected at all costs
My atempt at Japanese: 男可愛い
"Hey you, grab some icecubes for the drinks!"
comes back with frost blade
".............ok, whatever. Put it in the cocktail."
Cause I was totally gonna try using my oven. XD
[kiwami japan] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
[kiwami japan] チャンネル·ポスティング
[kiwami japan] 1 달러의 칼을 300 달러 갈는
[kiwami japan] 1000 원 주방 칼로 세계에서 가장 힘든 음식을 자르십시오
[kiwami japan] 세계에서 가장 날카로운 목재 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 날카로운 알루미늄 호일 주방 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 UV 수지 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 드릴 비트 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 비스무트 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 연기 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 우유 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 초콜릿 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 투명 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 판지 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 플라스틱 병 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 젤로 젤리 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 탄소 섬유 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 일본의 녹슨 칼을 예리하게하는 방법
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