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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan] 전자 레인지에서 모래를 요리하여 만든 부엌 칼
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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan] 전자 레인지에서 모래를 요리하여 만든 부엌 칼




再生時間コメント : [kiwami japan] 전자 레인지에서 모래를 요리하여 만든 부엌 칼


1:56: "Hey, What are you doing to that duc-."



This video wins the Oscar for cinematography and editing. At 0:14 when the glasses breaks: there is emotion in those fingers, a sense of loss and a development of character. Bravo sir! Bravo.


2:42 "Is that microwave O k?"


19:21 it looks like a mountain in a blizzard. A true work of art.


Once again, here's what's going on for you curious people :

Sand (at least in japan) frequently contain tiny specks of magnetite, which chemically speaking is Iron oxide (Fe3O4). As the name states, it has magnetic properties, so you can separate from sand easily with a magnet.
Sand in general is made of a lot of stuff, part of it is made trough rock erosion, and an other part is shell fragments. most rocky stuff are Silica Oxide + some metallic element, and depending of the temperature and pressure at which they solidified their atomic arrangement can differ.
anyway, the white/clear crystal things are quartz, almost pure SiO2. As you probably know, that's what glass is made of.

after preparing some iron oxide and quartz samples, he uses his whetstone to prepare a very thin Aluminium power, tortures an innocent chick, proves us that his fingers do in fact at least use to belong to a human being, and then mixes the aluminium with the iron oxide.

since his iron oxide is in pretty big specks, what he makes it essentially low grade thermite. for those who don't know, aluminium has a higher affinity for oxygen than Iron, so you can get the oxygen to jump to the aluminium. the difference in oxygen affinity means that there is a difference in potential energy, when the reaction occurs all that energy is released in its "raw form" : heat, and a lot of it. That's why thermite was used during the war to destroy machines you didn't want falling into enemy hands.

The reaction is actually pretty hard to activate, so i'm surprised a microwave can do the trick but why not. the result is a nice clump of raw iron and some aluminium oxide (alumina). the iron is magnetizable so it reacts to a magnet, while the aluminium oxide forms the slag, is it brittle and not magnetizable.

the shiny blue specks you can see at 4:10 are not "gems" that spawned from nowhere, it is sand impurities that came with the magnetite, the heat melted them into glass, and whatever impurities they contained gave them the blue color (it can also be aluminium or iron from the reaction.)

He then calcinates the sea shells : as i explained in a previous video, sea shells are essentially calcium carbonate CaCO3, under extreme heat one CO2 is ejected, leaving CaO, quicklime (the video says calcium carbonate but that is a mistake). just as last time, this molecule hates itself and reacts with water to form Ca2+ 2OH-, so the solution is very basic. this reaction also releases heat.

This time rather than using this stuff for its "basicity", he dries it up to get Calcium dihydroxide powder Ca(OH)2. that's literally the same thing but not in solution.

He chars the flowers out of pure spite. they're probably friends with the chick anyway. that will teach them !
pretty sure the shelf witnessed everything, let's get rid of it too. an added benefit is that you have a bunch of carbon and ash now. the color of what he crushes at 6:23 is odd to me, but i think that's what it is.

wood contains a lot of carbon, sure, but plant cells also contain a bunch of ions, just as any cell does.depending on the kind of wood the ashes will contain different proportions of the same things but you will get mostly lye (NaOH) and potash lye (KOH). There is other stuff too but those are probably the most prominent. Because elements of the first column of the periodic table really just want to get rid of one electron so they can have a nice smooth outer electronic shell, all of that will dissociate into water as Na+, K+ and OH-, the latter being what basicity truly is. actually there should be a fair share of calcium in this mess but whatever, it behaves pretty much the same here.

accordingly, the solution is basic, although 13-14 is pretty damn high for ashes in water if you ask me. he probably had to do a few batches, evaporate some water and pool them back together to get that. after drying the filtered solution, he says that is sodium and potassium carbonate, but i don't see what guarantees that, it could also be lye and potash back again for all i know. Supposing he's right, that means precipitation with carbonate ions occurs faster. chemically speaking CO2 (from the fire) + OH- makes a carbonate group (HCO3-) that will complex with + charged ions and precipitate.

Now he mixes some quartz, some calcium hydroxide and some Na/K whatever this is. long story short, he's making glass. glass is mostly SiO2 just like quartz, but to melt it you need flux, that's what calcium hydroxide and the other stuff are. Flux is used in metallurgy and glass-making to lower the melting point of things. don't ask me how it works, i like to learn weird stuff but there's a limit even to that :-/

okay that worked, now let's break that glass and turn it into glass power so it's easier to re-melt. there's a reason why people made rock tumblers rather that shaking stuff by hand, but i suppose having no girlfriend since the previous episode increased his...ability to do so ;-)

anyway, while he's at it he prepares some powdered copper to add to the glass for an hopefully nice color. he needs it to be oxidized apparently, so in the nuclear-powered microwave it goes. that makes a nice deep blue color, pulverize this blue glass again and wha- what the hell is he doing ? that's not going to react with water. what is this white powder ? having actually seen the video entirely before typing, he is preparing different grades of "sand" that will sediment at different speeds, but that came a bit from nowhere.

at some point this is supposed to become a knife, and incredibly enough he decided to not go with a handmade glass blade (probably impossible to sharpen without breaking), so it's time to forge that iron clump into a blade ! heat, hammer, repeat, quench for hardness.

from that point he is just making the knife, but actually it was really unclear what he was doing because he skimmed over it pretty fast. the elastic thing at 17:30 confused me because i thought it was the result of the UV resin, but it's it not. it's just some stuff he will use as a placeholder for the aquarium part of the blade. he puts it in place and then pour more UV resin on top.

after sharpening he re-applies some UV-resin to fill in the scratches in order to have a nice finish, breaks the handle of a second half-knife and completes the build by putting the different sands inside. he also puts in a tiny bit of hand soap to make the bubbles more stable so that the sands move in a more interesting way.

now he just has to murder the first cucumber-carrying girl he can find !

8:34 This made me burst into a laugh because of the sheer confusion it caused. What the actual fuck? :D


8:34 had me laughing! Some real mad scientist shit going on here

2:40 hold up, are you making a thermite reaction in the microwave?


8:37 how normies see anime

0:36 i thought it was his breathing sound...



人気順コメント : [kiwami japan] 전자 레인지에서 모래를 요리하여 만든 부엌 칼


I'm sure Jābir ibn Hayyān "The father of Chemistry" is proud of you!


I only learned two things: that this person has no problem with self-quarantine, and that I am pretty stupid.

I don't understand


title: make knife with sand
content: an entire chemistry curriculum

this man is an alchemist gone mad


Me for most of the video: "that's not a knife"
Me at the end of the video: "THAT'S a knife"


I love that he always titles his videos “worlds sharpest” like there’s some other guy out there making knives out of the same increasingly stranger materials, stamping his foot in rage as his dull blades are once again outmatched by Kiwami’s superior sharpening methods.

I love how there's no context sometimes, so we just have to trust that he's going to have all of these things link up but, sometimes they just,


He didn't say not to do this at home... YAY MICROWAVE

Feels like I watched an episode of Dr. Stone, but without Senku explaining whats going on.

H-he picked out the sand from other sand this man is dedicated goddamn

It was already really weird but the last 60 seconds felt like that moment when you've taken too much acid and you have the realization that you can't keep up with the trip anymore and all you can do is buckle up, just absolute nonsensical confusion


This person could single handedly restart the entire human civilization with a microwave

I feel like it’s been a hour of unrelated random chemistry sequences, we haven’t come even close to making a knife yet and I’m starting to question my sanity

there’s a very fine line between an odd talent, and borderline serial killer behavior. i don’t know which side he may be on, but Kiwami has straight up cut the line now


This is the most abused microwave oven ive ever seen


I’m constantly impressed by this man’s genius, ingenuity, and understanding of chemistry


Nobody is gonna talk about how this man could literally cook meth if he wanted to


If they ever raid his house he’s gonna have a hard time explaining he doesn’t run a crack lab


The ending had a better plot than most movies


"dad I wanna be a knife maker"
"no son, you will go to school and be a scientist. now do your chemistry homework!!"

"....okay" :]


This video goes against everything I was taught to not put in microwaves.


Gotta say, when the turtle started playing in the sand I thought it was just a funny moment, then saw the magnets and was like "Ohhhhhhhhh Shit"

I’m 50 seconds in. The magnetic turtle caught me off guard and was actually very cool to watch

I can’t be the only person who’s inner 15 year old said “heh finger condoms”


This feels like a How To Basic, but the eggs never begin and the suspense stays until the end


uses aluminum foil dust to expose a fingerprint in a glass
kiwami: detektif

My guy separated sand grains. He’s that one maths question.


No one's talking about how this guy over here literally just picked out tiny individual grains of silica from all of that sand, he has to be the most patient person in the universe

i feel like this is what would happen if you locked a chem major in a lab with a hidden stash of dolls and just...observed



[kiwami japan] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。




[kiwami japan] チャンネル·ポスティング

[kiwami japan] 1 달러의 칼을 300 달러 갈는

[kiwami japan] 1000 원 주방 칼로 세계에서 가장 힘든 음식을 자르십시오

[kiwami japan] 세계에서 가장 날카로운 목재 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 날카로운 알루미늄 호일 주방 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 UV 수지 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 드릴 비트 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 비스무트 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 연기 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 우유 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 접착 테이프 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 초콜릿 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 투명 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 판지 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 플라스틱 병 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 얼음 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 젤로 젤리 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예민한 탄소 섬유 부엌 칼

[kiwami japan] 연필깎이 칼을 예리하게

[kiwami japan] 인간의 손톱로 만든 약혼 반지

[kiwami japan] 일본의 녹슨 칼을 예리하게하는 방법


