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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Completion of the diorama! A man kayaking encounters a MOSASAURUS【Sea monster/モササウルスのジオラマ/dinosaur】
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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Completion of the diorama! A man kayaking encounters a MOSASAURUS【Sea monster/モササウルスのジオラマ/dinosaur】




再生時間コメント : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Completion of the diorama! A man kayaking encounters a MOSASAURUS【Sea monster/モササウルスのジオラマ/dinosaur】


Hello Thalasso Hobbyer: As a modeller myself I can only love your work. I actually rarely use resin since I just build tanks, without a diorama. Question aside: the coat you wear here from 3:23 onwards, what brand is that? Is that some kind of fantasy camouflage? Would the brand also be found in Europe? Also quite interesting ;-)




So cool. Love the short scene 6:18 here. Keep up the good work!


7:00 truly the most terrifying

6:36man on kayak: internal screaming

6:36 epic moment

7:00 is the best




Look at the little baba!



人気順コメント : [Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Completion of the diorama! A man kayaking encounters a MOSASAURUS【Sea monster/モササウルスのジオラマ/dinosaur】


The name of this diorama could simply be called "Nope"


you've grown so much!!!

I would love to see a diorama of Moses parting the sea like in the prince of Egypt movie!




That’s beautiful and absolutely horrifying. I wanna do this.

Mosasaurus: how ya doing?

Man: 0-0


Silently, it rises from the darkest deep, Massive, powerful, ancient and hungry. The lone kayaker is unaware of the bad day he's about to have.

better you mention name of every stuff (including the liquids) in every steps. thank you and always keeping make great masterpieces, Sir.




Yeah, I hate when I'm chilling on my kayak and a mosasaurus spawns in front of me


When I was kayaking in the sea, I encountered Mosasaurus! I think everyone has had such an experience at least once. I tried to express such everyday scenery with a diorama. What creatures have you encountered in the sea?

Thank you for watching. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers.

Q. What is that clay? Does it cure in the microwave? A. The type of clay is polymer clay. It cures with the heat of the oven, not the microwave. It's sold to Amazon.
Q. What kind of resin are you using? A.It's a polyester resin. But this is not recommended because it is difficult to handle and has a strong odor. Epoxy resin is recommended for use. I use polyester because I have no money.
Q. Music is noisy! distracted. A. sorry I can't speak English so I use it without help. From next time, I'll change to quieter music.
Q. You are bad. No technique. A.I am aware of it. It's almost the first time to make a diorama. Please give me a break.

Thank you so much for giving me your valuable time. Thalasso hobbyer


“I fear no man, But that thing-“ Glossing gel lid “-It scares me”

I like how he added the detail of water dripping off the mosasaur like it just came out of the water


Row little dude!! ROW!!

Awesome and beautiful! Nothing mor to say about. The Mosasaurus looks great. That's not what you want to see/meet while kayaking on the ocean... I think it will be safer to go hiking in the Mountains...


You keep blowing me away! Another fabulous job!


Very enjoyable series and channel. Good that you take accidents and failures in stride, such as the visible layers, and warping and cracks caused from the catalyst heat. I hope you are always learning.

I would like to see something with a giant turtle, perhaps with an Atlantis city on it's back, or a huge octopus or squid threatening a pirate ship.

Great job - really outstanding!


It's amazing that watching this now and being able to see how you've improved and how your style and technique has changed in just a year. It's amazing and I can't wait to see what you'll do in the future!

No one:
Thalasso hobbyer: I’m too scared to sleep.
Also thalasso hobbyer: creates nightmare dioramas


Before he added the resin it looked like I had a really tiny body


If I saw this in the middle of the ocean, I would play dead, or just row away, or stare it down, or tame it.
That's how realistic it looks.


I love how the kayaker immediately turns around like “NOPE!”



You should make Godzilla..even just showing it's back dorsal fin..


Guy on a raft:


Outstanding! I love the saliva on the monster's teeth. Brilliant!

Your videos are always awesome! Glad to see how successful your channel has become! I’d love it if you made a tutorial for using acrylic sheets and Resin to make these amazing Water Effects!!! When I was a child I almost drowned in the Ocean during a family vacation, the riptide took me and my brother far out into the water and We barely survived. While I was out there struggling to keep my head above the water I kicked something HARD, I remember looking down and seeing a large shadow swimming away from me, I think it was a Tiger Shark trying to eat me and my brother while we were struggling and drowning. I thought maybe this story could help inspire you

The kayaker paddles along in the silent night. Behind him, he hears a gurgling noise, and a dark shape passes beneath his boat. The kayaker feels a sense of dread. He paddles along, now making a beeline to the shore, as the noise gets louder, then stops. He paddles much farther until he's sure he lost whatever it was, and takes a tentative look under the boat. Nothing, nothing except a large pufferfish swimming up towards the surface. He relaxes, and keeps watching the pufferfish until it becomes clear that it is no pufferfish, but in fact something even worse than what he thought was chasing him. Even worse than a mosasaurus: a baby with a duck. The baby rose above the water, and gave a huge cry, and flailed its arms around. The kayak was knocked away towards the shore, and the kayaker leapt out of it and scrambled towards the shore as the baby breached once more into the depths of the open ocean.


I think the Mosasaur looks a bit too "dry" aka it fits better in a desert than in the ocean. In some of your later creations you cover models with resin and I think you coud have tried something similar here. Look up images of surfacing whales - they give a pretty good idea of the type of skin texture you should aim for. I don't think this applies to your model in particular; many model makers seem to make the same mistake. I do get that the diorama has this classic horror movie aesthetics and if that was what you were aiming for, just ignore my feedback!



[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。




[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] チャンネル·ポスティング

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Build Reaper Leviathan of SUBNAUTICA【Make the scariest creature of that world famous game】

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Build an impressive scene from "THE MEG"【thalassophobia/Megalodon/shark/Resin art/Diorama】

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] DIY. Make THE MEG diorama / resin art. Build the greatest movie cover art【Megalodon/Horror art】

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make The Frozen Leviathan【 Subnautica/Below Zero/Diorama/Resin art/Sculpture 】

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] Make the Ice Worm Diorama【Subnautica/Below Zero/Resin Art/thalassophobia/サブノーティカ】

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 오래된 지하 통로에 숨어있는 생물의 디오라마

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 잊혀진 일본 신사와 수호자 디오라마

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 폐허와 수호자 디오라마

[Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや] 폐허와 후견인 수지 예술 / Diorama 만드는 법


