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[Youtubeレビュー][Nino's Home] 밀크티 케이크 만들기 Bubble Milk Tea Cake
twoyou 2021. 3. 5. 08:07(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Nino's Home] 밀크티 케이크 만들기 Bubble Milk Tea Cake
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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Nino's Home] 밀크티 케이크 만들기 Bubble Milk Tea Cake
再生時間コメント : [Nino's Home] 밀크티 케이크 만들기 Bubble Milk Tea Cake
1:48 LMAO "no one expects much from you anyways:)"
These subtitles are absolutely SENDING ME
No context, just go to it with subtitles on :)
The accuracy of this.
7:56 subtitles.
5:31 D-did he just threaten my teeth?
人気順コメント : [Nino's Home] 밀크티 케이크 만들기 Bubble Milk Tea Cake
This man..he roasts in 10 different languages..
When everyone comes too early and there’s no English subtitle
Everyone: something is wrong
Edit: thanks for so many likes
-man that hurts
Edit:I've never had so many likes before
edit: I followed the potato cheese pancakes video! it was a lot of fun to make, cuz I've never made an actual dish like this from YouTube (only made drinks from the Hanse channel, it's great, check it out. the strawberry milk is my fav!). It took me much longer than I expected, but that's because it was my first time so I wanted everything to be perfect and I took pics after every step haha. I also added some coriander and a tiny bit of garlic to the cheese on my mom's suggestion (she loves to make everything flavorful!), it came out good. thanks nino :)
Me: I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today
...i like dis dude :)
Edit: Thank you for so many likes guys! :)
Plot twist :
There's actually a rat sitting on Nino's head..helping him with his creations and so he wears the bear mask to hide it.
As you can see the cat's not so smug about it.
“After you destroyed your bones Midoriya Izuku style, take out the jelly poo and mix it again.”
"Separate the egg yolks and egg whites in separate bowls so they can't gossip about your ugly face anymore" that was hilarious
“After you’ve destroyed your bones Midoriya Izuku style”
lol i luv dis guy
"trypophobia mess"
why am I laughing so hard lol I love you
“After you’ve destroyed your bones Midoriya Izuku style,...”
Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.
Alright, if you say sooo
(Nino is unordinarily nice today, I'm scared)
Me too translator, me too.
"if you failed and some of the egg yolks got into the egg whites it's ok, no one expects much from you anyways :)"
he didnt use his chicken egg yolk vomiting thing to seperate the egg yolks this time
i wonder if hes trying to flex on his skills now
"Mix it up, go crazy lile you just ingested 6 lines of cocaine-"
"after you've destroyed your bones Midoriya Izuku style"
Midoriya : what did i ever do to u Nino *cried in breaking bones*
POV: you’re early and looking for a comment that isn’t about the English subs roasting you.
Nino: “After you’ve destroyed all your bones Midoriya Izuku style, take the jelly poo and mix it again.”
Deku: someone knows who I am...
Me: y o u w a t c h i t t o o .
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