티스토리 뷰
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 해초 부엌 칼
再生時間コメント : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 해초 부엌 칼
13:07 No one deserves The Red Cow Handle.
This is mine now...
1:56 Oh God that 'aha' moment!
Also, I got FIVE Netflix ads on this video. Supporting your work senpai.
Top 10 epic crossovers in anime 0:27
Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Why have you done that? There's only one knife in the world made of milk with a cow handle, why would you destroy it? Bro, these knifes should be kept at a museum.
Oh my god hes wearing crocs too this man is god
Edit: Look at 13:15 to the end ;)
11:59 me: "this video went pretty normal so far"
12:00 me: "well here we go"
人気順コメント : [kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 해초 부엌 칼
it’s like i’ve stumbled across how to basic’s smarter but also slightly insane cousin
-What do you like ?
-Cow pitchers, sharpening knifes and chemistry
-wow, quite impossible to reunite then
-hold my sake
Many of the materials these knives are made of could be used as alternatives for plastics
A cucumber knife that will cut a cucumber with a cucumber handle
Sharpest Cucumber knife!?
I don’t know why I find these videos so relaxing.
I wanna see a knife made from bone
he’s so gentle with everything and then u see him randomly punching something just because
Kiwami: Hold my knives.
Aw man we have no knife to cut the line! Kiwami: makes knife out of seaweed
Anyone else like when he uses knifes from previous videos? It makes it feel like a Continuation, like a Sequel.
whenever something goes wrong and his hand start shaking it holds such emotion and i could never show as much even if i used my whole body
Kiwami: Hold my beer
"aw cute santa"
Takes away from the screen
"aw bye cute santa"
Imagine this:
It’s the end of the world, he’s run out of food.
He looks at his knife collection.
The food.
That’s gonna hurt going down.
This went from that random video in my YouTube recommends to being the first channel I check for new uploads !
This is such a weird channel with tons of cow pitchers and phones ringing in the background as sound effects and scraping sounds and cucumbers falling from the sky in little tiny cucumber sized parachutes. I stumbled across one man's madness in video format and I fing love it.
*gets mad at self for cracking it*
*blends it*
[kiwami japan] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
[kiwami japan] チャンネル·ポスティング
[kiwami japan] 1 달러의 칼을 300 달러 갈는
[kiwami japan] 1000 원 주방 칼로 세계에서 가장 힘든 음식을 자르십시오
[kiwami japan] KFC/ 세상에서 가장 예리한 뼈 점토 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 世界で一番切れるパスタの包丁を作りたい!
[kiwami japan] 가짜 고기, 접착제 고기, 사출 고기 비밀
[kiwami japan] 세계 최고의 스핀 탁구라켓.
[kiwami japan] 세계에서 가장 날카로운 목재 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 날카로운 알루미늄 호일 주방 칼
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[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 스티로폼 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 연기 부엌 칼
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[kiwami japan] 세상에서 가장 예리한 진주 굴 부엌 칼
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[kiwami japan] 음식을자를 수 있습니다. 초콜릿으로 만든 부엌 칼
[kiwami japan] 인간의 손톱로 만든 약혼 반지
[kiwami japan] 일본의 녹슨 칼을 예리하게하는 방법
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