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(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan]
今回はYouTubeの人気動画について レビューしてみます。
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan]
再生時間コメント : [kiwami japan]
12:00 夜中に声出して笑った
6:39 wow... it looks 3D printed or something, it would be cool blanching and then reconstructing the crab with a new fantastic paintjob
5:05 that beat was bop tho
Kiwami : Doll chan, can i cut your hair to make a reverse video ?
Doll : ...
Kiwami : Thankyou !
Netflix: Are you still watching?
Someone's daughter: 15:09
人気順コメント : [kiwami japan]
When life gives you lemons you make it into a knife.
I am wondering if you could make a knife for my fish cutting channel lol
Kiwami Japan: As you wish.
Kiwami, our beloved, where have you gone?
man, this is the one channel where i live every day in suspense waiting for a new video :”)
kiwami: Hold my cow...
2018/2/3 木の包丁
2018/2/11 チョコの包丁
2018/3/4 パスタの包丁
2018/3/18 お皿の包丁
2018/3/25 炙りアルミホイルの包丁
2018/4/15 ラップの包丁
2018/4/29 接着剤の包丁
2018/5/6 カーボンの包丁
2018/5/13 氷の包丁
2018/5/20 ゼリーの包丁
2018/5/27 お米の包丁
2018/6/18 アマゾンのダンボールの包丁
2018/6/30 ペットボトルの包丁
2018/7/14 パンツの包丁
2018/7/29 ドリルの刃のミニチュア包丁
2018/8/12 ポテトの包丁
2018/8/26 原始的な石包丁
2018/9/09 ロウソクの黒煙の包丁
2018/9/24 真珠貝のミニチュア包丁
2018/10/8 KFCと粘土の包丁
2018/10/20 最強のテープの包丁
2018/11/4 透明の包丁
2018/11/23 UVレジンの包丁
2018/12/15 牛乳の包丁
2018/12/30 海藻の包丁
2019/1/19 ビスマスの包丁
2019/3/3 世界一硬いパンの包丁
2019/3/23 発泡スチロールの包丁
2019/5/5 紙の包丁
2019/6/2 偽装卵の包丁
2019/6/23 サメの歯の包丁
2019/9/28 豆腐の包丁
2019/10/26 菌の包丁
2019/12/1 水と油の包丁
2020/1/5 海水の包丁
2020/2/16 チョコの包丁 come again
2020/4/5 キャンディーの包丁
2020/6/13 砂の包丁
2020/8/15 卵とシャンプーとリンスの包丁
2020/10/25 きゅうりの包丁
2021/1/24 カニの包丁
Him: K i will make him into a knife instead
hello everyone, welcome back to "is he doing this step for no reason or not?"
Okay boys and girls, curious people of all ages, let’s break down what this madman did this time.
First of all, I am not an expert in arthropod exoskeleton chemistry, even with seven billion people on earth there’s probably not more than a handful of such weirdos. But I have a decent understanding of biochemistry and can read wikipedia.
So what is Chitin ? Long story short, it’s like cellulose, a long polymer of sugar that plant cells use to make walls. But unlike cellulose chitin is made by animals and the sugar monomers are slightly modified for extra resistance (= lighter for equal strength) because animals have different issues than plants.
Anyway, chitin in its pure form is supposed to be translucent, so he’s trying to clean the crab shell from anything that is not chitin to at last have a decent see-through crab. never thought i'd say that one day.
How will he do that ? First he presents to us his magnificent ozone machine : ozone is chemically speaking O3. You know that oxygen from the air (O2) tends to oxidize stuff right ? Well O3 is the much more aggressive version of that, don’t breathe it I guess ?
As far as I know the main way to obtain ozone is to generate an electrical arc, like with a Tesla coil or something, I don’t know how his machine works but I assume it generates the ozone in its casing and then just bubbles it in the water, pretty sure it is not made from the water.
Now, generally speaking in the living world, color is obtained through pigments : small molecules that often have a cyclic structure. An other possibility is through the use of metallic ions (like in your blood, provided you have some) but then the color is rarely the obective. Anyway, those pigment molecules are somewhat fragile and a good way to destroy them is to use an oxidant. That’s what he demonstrates when bubbling ozone in the orange water : the color disappears.
So he does that with the crab shell, there’s no before/after picture so it’s hard to tell how effective that was. As an added benefit, the oxydation probably helps destroying some unwanted organic trash on the shell.
Next he takes some magnesium metal and puts it in water. From its native state, Magnesium needs to get rid of two electrons to have a nice smooth outer electronic shell, and it will gladly give them to water. So the reaction is Mg + 2 H2O → Mg2+ + 2 OH- + H2. Thankfully magnesium metal is not as angry as sodium or Potassium, that straight up explode in water. Kiwami gets to live an other day.
The important part here is that this makes the solution extremely basic (the OH- part), that would be pretty aggressive for your skin and that’s the point : boiling the crab shell in that stuff will completely ruin most proteins and whatever else is in the shell. Being basic also will saponify any oils and fats that may be present (long story short : make them water-soluble) for extra cleanliness. Chitin is largely unaffected by that because of complicated reasons.
That worked pretty well, anything that had a color was completely destroyed, now the shell is a nice clean white. But it’s completely soaked with caustic soda, so he boils it in clear water to wash it. By the way, the reason he boils it is because that makes it easier for things to diffuse in and out of stuff, you could cold-cook pasta if you really wanted, the water would eventually find its way into the noodle but it’s inefficient and kind of gross. He then checks with the pH paper which returns neurtal.
He then prepares a bath of citric acid to clean the shell even more. Citric acid is kind of “mild” with a pH around 2, in a way it is the opposite of the previous step, except boiling something in strong acid would dissolve pretty much the entire thing by attacking the O links that binds the sugar monomers.
I don’t know exactly what he hopes to get rid of with that, there is some sense in assuming that was wasn't destroyed by the base may be sensible to acid, but I don’t think hot lemon juice constitutes a proper acid hydrolysis. however I wouldn’t be surprised if the exoskeleton of a crab was calcified (CaCO3) at some extent. I guess that would explain the white color. If that is the case, yes, an acid bath would dissolve the calcium carbonate.
That sort of works, whatever the point was, but is not enough. So he prepares this time an hydrocloric acid bath, that is chemically almost the same but stronger. I checked online and while boiling acid would definitely dissolve cellulose, well... chitin as we said is slightly more resistant. Also time and temperature are important for this type of reactions, note that he doesn’t actually put the thing to a boil but "only" at 80°C (176°F for people who can't have proper units).
This time the shell it is much clearer, I don’t know exactly why there is almost an entire layer worth or crab dandruff detaching, maybe it’s made in layers in the first place. The issue now is that the crab shell seems extremely weak and soft.
The beige-ish thing is collagen powder to make gelatin, he cooks it as intended and then coats the crab with it. That will both reinforce it structurally, and give it some sort of polish because rough surfaces are not compatible with being see-through.
I’ll skim very fast on the sodium alginate part to make the eyes of the crab, calcium causes sodium alginate to turn into a gel, so if you have drops of that stuff fall in a high-calcium solution, the outside of the drop will gellify, giving you a nice round bubble of alginate, it’s a pretty well known food chemistry experiment, typically to make fake fish eggs like caviar.
He puts the eyes in place, puts the shell back on the crab and behold ! The most beautiful crab in the world !
But no matter how magnificient of an abomination he just build, that is not even remotely as see-through he had hoped, so it must be crushed, destroyed, annihilated, and tuned into a “knife”. it is thus blended it to a powder, and boiled.
Now remember that chitin is a polymer, therefore it makes strands. Blending it like a maniac will at best give you slightly shorter strands that regular blending but you will still have strands of chitin swimming in that soup. If you put that in water and heat it, this whole mess of threads will tangle and form some sort of gel, and if you dry it hard enough this will result in a very strong material (that is always the same basic principle that allows him to make knifes from wacky shit).
So he makes a pellet out of the shredded-boiled purified crab keratin and sharpens it into a better claw for the crab. Too bad he doesn’t have a shell to protect his brain now ! Ha !
Lol, no I’m joking ! arthropods have their brain and spinal chord on the belly side.
if I were a crab, I would think very highly of being turned into a knife by the Japanese knife man himself
there's always wild stuff happening in kiwami's videos but the wildest part is always the times when he puts a ton of time and effort into something and then just destroys it
I just wanna take a moment to appreciate the effort
At this point I just feel like he's flexing all his chem equipment at us
it always amazes me how much work he’s willing to destroy
[kiwami japan] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
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