티스토리 뷰
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [kiwami japan] 私は、お皿で包丁を作ろうと思った
再生時間コメント : [kiwami japan] 私は、お皿で包丁を作ろうと思った
@5:20 LOL I like how he's like scratching head "Which cow is best suited for this job?"
@7:38 that is his actual work speed, he has not sped up the footage. He actually worked so quickly he had to slow down his footage. XD These videos never get old! By far the most unique and interesting knife making videos on YouTube. : )
a most thoughtful choice of cow
5:20 is the most extra moment ever when he poured some water from one cow into a small one.
1:55 the very best part of the whole video
11:45 Damn that's the cleanest stab I've seen, almost satisfying, wait, nevermind, SATISFYING AS FUCK
5:19 I think he used the cow to fill the other cow
10:34 Oh, now I see why he beveled the the way he did.
人気順コメント : [kiwami japan] 私は、お皿で包丁を作ろうと思った
Sequel to sharpest pasta knife. Nonstop work
using no powered tools at all: wtf?
sawing metal with a diamond saw instead of a regular one: dude....aint nobody got time for that?
I came for the knife,
Stayed for the cow
Lots of people say the video is fast forward during the rubbing.
It's not. He is just that fast.
I need the cows. I need them. They're so freaking cute I need them
How about a bone knife? Just an idea :)
When life gives you lemons, make a knife..
points to knifes “knife.”
This guy got the craziest youtube videos, he really got me at the pasta knife.
"I had one. Now I have a knife."
"Uh, okay. Whatever, I can eat with my hands. Where are the plates?"
"The plates are knives now."
"Wow. I, uh... I've got an early start in the morning, so I'll just head to bed now..."
"I have a blanket knife."
I didn't even know they made hand drills. After the invention of the electric drill, I would've thought the hand drill makers would've fallen on hard times.
Awesome! Handmade knives are the best knife ever! Because it is sharpen and made accurately.
Just how do you come up with these?! Just waking up, going to eat mah' breakfast, another beautiful day... (while eating) hm this plate is rather flat... i am going to mAkE a kItChEn KnIfE oUt Of It
I love how he was just casually eating his pasta knife
This chanel is like chicken soup for the psyche. Thank you!
I like what you do. No bs straight to the point ----------->
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[kiwami japan] 世界で一番切れるパスタの包丁を作りたい!
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