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[Youtubeレビュー][Nino's Home] 입맛 살리는 안동찜닭 Andong Jjim Dak Recipe
twoyou 2021. 3. 16. 07:56インターネットニュースやユーチューブを見る時、スクロールしてコメントを先に見る方多いですか?
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [Nino's Home] 입맛 살리는 안동찜닭 Andong Jjim Dak Recipe
再生時間コメント : [Nino's Home] 입맛 살리는 안동찜닭 Andong Jjim Dak Recipe
0:20 I just simped over his laugh
Atleast we have that laugh reveal
4:35 tenho quase certeza que os coreanos odeiam ele
ps: olha a legenda
7:03 cate: ok now you're just fucking with me, hooman, you know I want that.
6:32 Thoses subtittles tho...
6:28 with caption is like........ what ever lol
人気順コメント : [Nino's Home] 입맛 살리는 안동찜닭 Andong Jjim Dak Recipe
It's so cute how he watches blackpink on some of his vids HAHAHA
Now everyone in the comment section is gonna be like-
"WhEN yoU ARe EarLy AnD thERE aRE No EngLisH SubtiTLES."
Only at Nino’s Home: HD quality food porn.
Him: I feel sorry for you for not having kitchen stuff like me.
When he cuts spring onions,
Inner me : you deserve that kitty boii, its karma, lol
im gonna be that one nice person who likes every comment here.
Ok let’s all agree that his whole channel is where he flexes his whole kitchen
let’s all subscribe to his channel for more flexibility
"Life is way easier with home delivery"
Every introvert ever.
With subtitles: agressive torturing video
There’s something oddly attractive about anyone who can cook and make it look relaxing! Also....those legs look juicy
I just said that you'll get used to it lol
Mann, no encuentro ningún comentario en español valorando los subtitulos, yo los valoro, los amo.
Gran trabajo Nino, ojala tu crush te ame, bai.
Edit: preciosas manos uwu
Nino's video without subtitles: calming cooking asmr
Nino's video with subtitles: i peed with my cat
i- um- are you oka-
My middle class ass can only notice how Nino's home is filled with this cute stuff. •́ ‿ ,•̀
Me: looking at the food
Nino: “HD quality food porn”
Me:*laughs in a suspicious way*
Gordon ramsay
Other people: awe I wish I met nino
Me: I’m only here for his cat
Imagine the world if Nino does a face reveal
Okay, while everyone else is talking about the subtitles, can I just say that those chicken thighs looks HELLA GOOD
The world:
Nino: don't look at my hands, I'm shy.
Don't look at my hands, look at the dough.
Nino: look at my hands, not my knife:)
Me: Staaaaaare....0:-)
Everyone is talking about subtitles, about his hand, his cat, and bla bla. But I wish I have those beautiful, cute & fancy kitchen tools like his.
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