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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Cake|HidaMari Cooking
twoyou 2021. 10. 19. 07:05インターネットニュースやユーチューブを見る時、スクロールしてコメントを先に見る方多いですか?
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Cake|HidaMari Cooking
再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Cake|HidaMari Cooking
I love how shiny that glacage is!!
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] No-Bake Chocolate Mousse Cake|HidaMari Cooking
Your channel is so gentle i believe it could bring world peace if all would watch.
I love your cookware! I really want to know where you got it from. I would love to get some this upcoming xmas season hehe
anyway, great vid, always relaxing and delicious what you make.
生きてけない パタッ_(:3」∠)_
I love the sound of a bar of chocolate being chopped.
She do cleanly for that I love to see super great
I MUST find out where you bought your white enamel cookeware!!!! I LOVE it so very much
Also, the area is very clean and free of things that you don't really need.
Plus, the preparation of a partner beverage in the end...
It felt like they are preparing for us, friends.
No wonder this is gaining subscribers.
Good luck.
てか最後の小さいやつなに!!( °_° )
just thought id write down the recipe for if someone wants to make it!
melt 40 grams of couverture sweet chocolate
crunch up 40 grams of graham crackers
mix toghether (its meant to be thicc)
this mixture is going to be the crust, put it in a baking tin. make sure its all over the bottom.
put 6 grams of earl grey tea in a bowl and add 30 ml of water.
take another bowl and put in15 ml cold water and 4 grams of gelatin, mix that up.
heat up 100 ml of milk, once its hot add in the tea/hot water mixture, stir it and take it of the heat, let chill for 5 minutes.
chop op 100 grams of couverture sweet chocolate, pu it in the microwave to let it melt.
(chopping it makes it melt faster)
add in the tea/mild mixture (make sure to strain it)
boil some water and put the bowl of chocolate/milk mixture on top of it (au bain-marie style)
mix it togheter, pour in the gelatin mixture and stir it togheter. take the mixture off of the hot water.
take 175 ml of heavy cream and mix it (with a mixer this time) with 10 grams of sugar. (this is the whipped cream)
pour 120 grams of the whipped cream in the bowl with the chocolate and gelatine. stir it togheter and pour it into the baking bin with crust you made earlier.
cool for at leat 1 hour in the refrigerator.
meanwhile take a package of white chocolate mousse, 5 ml of water and 2 grams of gelatine and mix that togheter.
take 40 grams of white chocolate and put it in a bowl. take another bowl and put in 50 ml of milk and 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, heat up in the microwave at 60 degrees. add it to the with chocolate and stir until its completely molten. pu in the gelatin mixture.
take the left over whipped cream and add in the white chocolate mixture, stir. poor that mixture over the already chilled cheesecake. cool for at leat 5 more hours.
take some glacage cgocolate and add it in 5 ml of water and 1 gram of gelatin.
take another bowl, add in that bowl, 12 grams of cacao, 20 ml water and 335 grams of sugar. mix it togheter. heat it up while stirring it for a little longer.
add 25 ml of heavy cream. add in the gelatin mixture.
the chocolate should be 40c when you take it of the stove.
pour that over the cheesecake. cool for an hour.
add toppings if you like.
and your cheesecake should be done!
It's looks so delicious. I Loved your recipe...
I really love your videos, the way you present each step clearly. Please make a cake with less sugar, if possible.
I love the way you present the cake, no talking, no music, just the sound of making cake. Simply a piece of Art!
Merry Christmas
All your baking is so elegang. Thank you so much
Thank you for this video mari and also marry Christmas.
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