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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] 노오븐! 녹차 크레이프 케이크 만들기 Matcha Mille Crepe|HidaMari Cooking
twoyou 2021. 11. 10. 06:44インターネットニュースやユーチューブを見る時、スクロールしてコメントを先に見る方多いですか?
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] 노오븐! 녹차 크레이프 케이크 만들기 Matcha Mille Crepe|HidaMari Cooking
再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 노오븐! 녹차 크레이프 케이크 만들기 Matcha Mille Crepe|HidaMari Cooking
0:24 the eggshell tho
Is very expected no one is perfect and it can't be avoided the eggshells showing up i mean0
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 노오븐! 녹차 크레이프 케이크 만들기 Matcha Mille Crepe|HidaMari Cooking
I know you strain the crepe mix but the eggshell!!! *screech
I made this today and it was very delicious nxt time i need to add a bit of green gel colour into the batter tho. Rlly like how the batter uses oil instead of butter, as with butter recipes the butter would usually solidify due to the cold milk
Que vídeo más hermoso, en cuanto al sonido, definición de imagen. ¡Todo perfecto!. Es perfecta esta repostería
am I the only person that noticed the tiny egg shell when they were cracking the eggs
This looks so good! I can't wait to make one myself.
It would take forever to make this cake. Is it worth the time?
نتمني الكيفيات تكون مترجمة بالعربية مثل الفديوهات السابقة .وشكرا
These videos are so aesthetically pleasing
I want to make this for my family Christmas party. I love it! Your video mention you use pastry flour but your recipes on the description says "cake flour." Is it the same?
Amazing! Greetings from Argentina =)
Thank for making great video, can i just ask u a few question?
1/ why do we have to chill the pancake matcha mixture in the fridge for more than 2 hours instead of cooking them straight away
2. why do we have to chill custard cream before we add in the whipped cream.
Thanks :D hope you answer my questions. have a great day :D
This is just amazing
Crepe dough
Every and single sound of the process is amazing, i really enjoyed it! thanks to much for share this with all of us. for real thank you HidaMari, saludos desde México :)
I am Russian living in Australia, I absolutely love Japanese cooking culture, - it is so similar to the way we cook in Russia, - very tidy, not greasy, not fatty, neat, precise, beautifully presented, clean hands, tidy nails, soft moves, gentle handling, clean kitchen utensils and environment. Another thing that I find in common is that both Russians and Japanese people cook rather than talk... It is aesthetical and very pleasant to watch; I can`t stand women yelling in their videos or strange music playing in the background. This is exactly the way I LOVE cooking videos, - like yours. It can`t get any better than this.
Thank you for your videos, I am sharing them with my Australian and Russian friends.
[HidaMari Cooking] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
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