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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] 블랙 포레스트 케이크 |HidaMari Cooking
twoyou 2021. 11. 24. 06:58再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 블랙 포레스트 케이크 |HidaMari Cooking
Kirschwasser sounds like a german word.
It probably means cherry water.
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 블랙 포레스트 케이크 |HidaMari Cooking
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte as it supposed to be! :) It always makes me smile how carefully and precisely you compose your cakes. No wonder they look like a work of art!
this is my dad's favorite cake, when his birthday comes around im gonna try and bake one for him ^^
ASMR baking. Perfect combination!
Keep up the good work!
O vídeo é lindo, mas a massa do bolo sempre parece que fica um pouco dura, seca.
I really love your videos! But this is not the real, German Black forest cake. For the real black forest ( Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte) you need to keep the liquid of the cherrys and thicken it with cornstarch. We newer put the cherrys in the whipped cream. The thickened cherry ragout is a separate layer!
aw i love how you made a mini one out of the leftovers :)
That's so delicious, I love this cake"Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte".Thank you for the recipe and greetings from germany
Much love from France
Just to let you know, I enjoy watching your cooking video’s, especially right before bedtime...thank you for the relaxation
Finally, the cake isn’t a lie!
I love the way you cook ,neatly and with patience even if the work is as simple as opening chocolate wrappers..
Let it be known that on this day I did declare that THIS CAKE IS NO LIE!
...no, seriously, THIS was the cake GlaDOS would have rewarded you with for finishing all those tests.
Also, greetings from the U.S.!
What is kirschwasser?
I'm talking to you, Aperture Science.
المكونات في اللغة العربية the ingredients in description box
المكونات (قالب دائري p15cm)
( مكونات الكرز المعلب )
١ علبة كرز
٢٥غ سكر
1 م.ص نكهة الكرز
(بسكويتة شوكولاتة)
50 جرام حلوى شوكولاتة
20 غرام زبدة غير مملحة
2 بياض البيض
60جرام سكر
2 صفار بيض
50 جرام كيك دريس
10 جم كاكاو بودرة
(مكونات كريمة مخفوقة)
200 كريمة سائلة
18 جم سكر
1 ملعقة شاي نكهة الكرز
Wow,i was bom in the Black Forest! Today I live in Bavaria. Thanks for the recipe. best regards
Watching you working it’s therapy for me, you are such a beautiful angel, much love from Montreal
hola hola where did you get those knives clippers love it love to buy easy to cut the cake
I love this cake, one of my favorites!
Coming from Germany, I've made this cake several times (from a family recipe), but this right here has to be the most accurate recipe I've ever seen on YouTube! Looks truly magnificent!
Another classic version would be not to add lone cherries to the bottom layer, but make a kind of cherry cream from the cherries, their juice and cornstarch (heat it as you would make a pudding). This is transfered directly on the biscuit and topped with whipped cream. It makes the cake more moist, because of the additional liquid. Also i like to drizzle a bit of cherry juice on the layers before toppimg them to make it moist. :)
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