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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] 호박 푸딩 타트:Pumpkin Pudding Tart
twoyou 2021. 12. 6. 07:06(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] 호박 푸딩 타트:Pumpkin Pudding Tart
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再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 호박 푸딩 타트:Pumpkin Pudding Tart
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 호박 푸딩 타트:Pumpkin Pudding Tart
“OMG”, my mouth is so watery right now. You’re so precise and clever, no wonder your recipe turns out beautiful. Love ️ your recipes so much .
Perhaps pumpkins in Japan look different from the pumpkins we have in the United States, but that looks more like an acorn squash than a traditional orange pumpkin. I'm curious if the taste/texture is different or if there's no difference at all.
Damn it takes a lot to make it perfect. You are a true master, I am in awe!
love all your work it's so beautiful.. thank u
Ur cooking is Art nd so relaxing at the same time
It looks sooooo satisfying when you cut the butter!!!
¡Me encantan tus recetas! Muchas gracias por compartirlas. Saludos desde México.
Sensacional o seu canal! Parabéns. Tente postar mais algumas receitas brasileiras
I was watching this and when it got to the pumpkin part I was like, "oh- were really doing this ok. Real pumpkins...I think?"
In america we, at least most people around me, just use pumpkin puré from a can. But then again you always use the real ingredients.
You’re wonderful ️️I’m never seen it!!! Cheers
I love the idea of adding bloopers
I love to see and hear every recipe it is really a tasteful experience & it is making me calm
Thanks for sharing this receipe.
Oh my god that looks so good!!!!!
I always love your recipe, thankyou
Kitsune eating flame spicy sauce?!
I just realized you don’t put any ads in your videos! You’re truly just here to do what you’re passionate about, and I admire that
what's this what's this?
Theres flour in the air
Whats this?
There products everywhere
What's this?
I must be dreaminng
Look at all the mess i made this isnt Flour?
Whats this?!?!?!?!?
the first part had so many cuts and went quite fast. I see there's 15 minutes of this video.
"boy," i think, "she must really be in a rush."
sees the rest of this video
"wow there's a LOT to do for this"
sees bloopers
"okay honestly if i were you i'd just have chucked the entire bar of white chocolate in i wouldn't even chop it that's too much effort"
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