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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] 쇼콜라 몽블랑 타르트 |HidaMari Cooking
twoyou 2021. 12. 1. 07:13インターネットニュースやユーチューブを見る時、スクロールしてコメントを先に見る方多いですか?
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] 쇼콜라 몽블랑 타르트 |HidaMari Cooking
再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 쇼콜라 몽블랑 타르트 |HidaMari Cooking
[11:02] There're 160g of tart dough remaining. Which do you like better ?
My answer is 'full of fruit tarts' ( Fruit tarts would be gorgeous as well as delicious !!)
Can someone explain me what are the stones at 1:07? I've seen them in multiple videos and I don't know what those are and what is their purpose...
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 쇼콜라 몽블랑 타르트 |HidaMari Cooking
Random college commercial: *LOUD DRUMMING NOISES*
Siempre te superas, exquisit presentación!
حطو لايك عشان الغير يستفاد ingredients in arabic language
المكونات باللغة العربية:
1 بياض بيض
30 غ سكر ابيض
1 صفار بيض
26 غ طحين الكيك
4 غ كاكاو بودرة
15 مل حليب
10 مل زيت نباتي
الكريمة ؛
100 مل كريمة سائلة
9 غ سكر
1/2 م.ص فانيليا سائلة
او نقطة من زيت الفانيليا
غلييز الماروون
غاماج الشوكولاته:
100 شوكولاته حلو او خام
100 مل كريمة سائلة
4 غ زبدة غير مالحة
حطو لايك عشان الغير يستفاد واتمنى تزورو قناتي رح تعجبكم اكييد!️
This was absolutely glorious! I was on the edge of my seat watching you drown that small tart in chocolate ganache. Yes! Yes! ANOTHER LAYER! This video was top notch.
I mixed it 31 times, do i have to worry?
Congratulations for 1M subscribers!!!
Congratulation for 1M subscribers best of luck
You got it! A Million People are your fans. Greetings from germany....and i like Pudding
Looks so delicious and beautiful
Great recipe, answering your question: I would wish full of #fruits tarts
I love food and ASMR so when I found this channel today... YOSH
I think I prefer fruit tarts for the remaining dough, they give you a fresher feeling
I need a video to how make tart
Is that right? I'm pretty sure this counts as Meshitero
Edit:sorry if that's rude, I'm not intending it to be!
Can't stand ASMR, makes me feel real uncomfortable. But if I mute the video, it's excellent!
@HidaMari I want to meet you in person. You're amazing! I am Always interested and excited to watch all your videos. From: Philippines. LOVE and PEACE!
How yall so patience enough to bake. The thinking of eating of that cake is quite tempting
Me: listening and watching this
Youtube video: silent
You have to go to hundred thousand million sub.... Great work... GOD bless u.
Congrats on one million subscribers HidaMari, you are the absolute cooking master of all time! I love chocolate, I'm hungry for some chocolate and I'm impressed by your cooking skills once again.
I love videos like this when people don’t talk they just make it ️
There are 160g of tart dough remaining.Which do you like better, Pudding Tart or full of Fruit tarts?
Look at that! Satisfying cut.. Dammit! I only can watch it but not eating it.
Congrats on 1M
You totally deserved it
Great work
Keep doing what you are doing
I bet it also encouraged a lot of people
Full support from ME
[HidaMari Cooking] 人気動画についてのコメントを集め、要約型、時間帯型、人気順などで調べました。
[HidaMari Cooking] チャンネル·ポスティング
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