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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] 말차 더블 프로 마쥬 | HidaMari Cooking
twoyou 2021. 12. 2. 07:06インターネットニュースやユーチューブを見る時、スクロールしてコメントを先に見る方多いですか?
(推薦)人気ビデオ : [HidaMari Cooking] 말차 더블 프로 마쥬 | HidaMari Cooking
再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 말차 더블 프로 마쥬 | HidaMari Cooking
11:26 that ice cube looks like a heart! :D
1:40 - 1:50 sounds like walking on dirt in minecraft
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 말차 더블 프로 마쥬 | HidaMari Cooking
The person: dips knife into hot water
My brain cell that only contains memes: 1000 degree KNIFE
Edit: Handriting skillz over 9000
You've made me want to eat what looks like a moss covered rock. What have you done?
It is very difficult to find beautiful looking cakes. And I stopped here to watch the whole video
Chic looking cake
Actually i dont really like matcha. Request to remake it with pandan flavor ?? Thank u
Left brain: "HAHAHAHAHA"
It's Friday again so time for another dessert video
That drink pouring before cutting the cake is therapeutic
Brain: Wow, such detailed steps, it doesn't look very difficult, OK, I got it.
Hands: No, you don't know.
when I was young I watched cooking videos for the intellectual challenge of figuring out how they made stuff. now I watch it when I give up on my calculus homework and there's nothing to eat at home.
Don’t like matcha,but this looks awesome
Hand over the cake right now and no one gets hurt!
the ad throughout this video: Oh My GoSh ThIs GaMe Is ThE bEsT
Yay, I want to try this, this looks amazing!
Three hours later: I’m never gonna bake ever again modafoka!
Cada receita linda alguém mais do Brasil?
i’ll try this, since i love matcha
I can practically taste this through the screen...time to make one, myself.
The bitterness of the matcha must go really well with cheesecake flavours! Looks so amazing
I baked this amazing matcha double fromage cake last month, for my best friends birthday.
I did not have the 15cm pan, so I ended up using a 20cm pan. The cake was rather flat because of that, but you could still clearly see the 3 beautiful layers!
It did take me some time to make the cake, but I can not complain about the instructions. Everything was very clear and easy to follow. I baked the cake at night, then decorated it the next day in the afternoon after a good night sleep. The whipped cream was still nice and stiff. The saved leftover spongecake was still spongey. So don't worry about those!
The most important thing was the fact that this cake tasted so good! It was a very well balanced cake, not too sweet with a well balanced matcha flavor to it.
The cake was so tasty but also extremely filling, after eating I was completely stuffed.
Everyone that had the cake loved it as well! I will definitely bake it again, but this time either use a 15cm mold or double the recipe.
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