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[Youtubeレビュー][HidaMari Cooking] 버터 쿠키 & 랩핑 | HidaMari Cooking
twoyou 2021. 12. 4. 06:54再生時間コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 버터 쿠키 & 랩핑 | HidaMari Cooking
12:16 butter cookies is fallin love w/ coffee :)
人気順コメント : [HidaMari Cooking] 버터 쿠키 & 랩핑 | HidaMari Cooking
Hey, I live your videos. It was so relaxing and makes me feel good. I'm having and stress week and lol I wanna cook all of your food¿ idk but I think cook it's so creative, gastronomy in general.
I'm sorry, I not speak chinese, japanese or english so excuse me if I have mistakes writing this.
That's all, thank you
Imagine someone gives you this as a gift...
I made these for me & my housemates, and we love it! we finish it in not even 1 day I only made the matcha & earl grey tea flavor. For matcha, maybe because my matcha powder is not as strong as yours, so there's only a slight matcha taste. So I probably need to add more matcha powder next time. For earl grey tea, I added a lil bit of vanilla essence. I think it enhance the fragrance of the cookies and as a result we love the fragrance so much! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
So pretty and the perfect gift. You can add the vanilla bean pods to a jar of sugar and they will flavour the sugar too.
Very nice
The real meaning of Happiness!
cant control my tears
so good omg,,, you’re making me hungry it’s too late for this now I want to bake cookies
Your channel brings me so much calmness and happiness! Thank you xoxo :)
Complimenti per il video e anche per la caffettiera made in Italy :))))))
Thanks for the procedure in description. It really helps love your recipes n they never fail.
Realmente adoro tus vídeos, simplemente son hermosos y relajantes, además de sabrosos jaja.
Even though this is a cooking video ...it always gives you that relaxing feel
I had doubts, tea biscuits are not ordinary :)
They are excellent, all kinds are delicious! Thank you!
English: The matcha cookies are very good! I really reccomend this recipe. its easy, and delicious! I dip a small portion of the cookies in dark chocate and it makes the matcha flavor even tastier!
Thanks for sharing very interesting these rich desserts and greeting and good day for you and weekend
Love the recipes! For ground almonds, can I substitute it with almond flour?
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